Monday, March 16, 2009

Just Checking In!!!

Just wanted to check in on everybody to see how things were going... I am 16 weeks today and things are great pretty low key, not a lot of crazy symptoms anymore. How is everyone else? Hope all is well!!!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Strong Moms

Have y'all heard of the Strong Mom program sponsored by Simliac?
My doctor told me about it... --

Friday, February 13, 2009


Hey Y'all, I'm sorry I haven't posted before today...but I wanted to wait for our first appt! We just got back -- I know its Friday the 13th -- but it was a very lucky day, in fact my next appt is March, Friday the 13th too! I am 10 weeks 2 days, with a very healthy and lively baby, who measures about 31mm (about the size of a peanut in its shell -- so we're calling Baby De Graff, peanut!) We heard and saw the heartbeat, it was the sweetest thing ever! So fast, I think it was around 170 -- the bloodwork tech said that a fast heartbeat usually indicates a female -- but we'll see, still have atleast 8 more weeks before we can tell the gender! Anywho -- I'm feeling great now, I had a bout with morning sickness around week was BAD, 24/7...fortunetly it only lasted about 4 days! I'm also starting to get some energy back, Zack says its b/c I started working out! I bought the Denise Austin workout video for Pregnancy, its very silly, but very good! OH -- we're due 09/09/09 -- once again crazy I know! xoxo

Thursday, February 12, 2009

1st appt.

Hey girls , so today is my first appt, first pregnancy so I'm a bit nervous.. Just hoping and wishing everything is going as planned. I think I am about 8 weeks as of yesterday so wondering if they will let us see or hear anything today or if they will make us wait another two weeks. From the hear say it really depends on the doctor and what they feel is right, I think lol. So wish me luck :) Baby dust to all you preggos :)

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

26 weeks 5 days and counting...

Hi Ladies :) How is everyone doing? Hey NJ, I'm sorry that you didn't get to find out pink or blue today. What are you feeling? This is a fun quiz I took like once a week :)
I have another ultrasound on Friday. At the 20 week appointment baby's legs were measuring 22 weeks and other part of her were pretty big too so they set up another one to see how things were going and possibly moving up my due date from May 15th. I'll be honest, other than a rough bought of morning sickness in the 1st trimester this pregnancy thing is pretty neat. It's weird but awesome feeling her move around and kick.
Almost time for LOST

Ultrasound today

I had my 16-week appt. today and the ultrasound tech spent about 10 minutes looking for some sign of the gender, but the little bug had its legs crossed. She said she *THINKS* it's a girl, but that's not 100%. I was shocked because I would have bet money that it was a boy. I still have a glimmer of hope left that it could be a girl!

My next appt is on March 11 and we'll do the full scan and we will definitely get a confirmed gender then. I can't believe I have to wait! I was so pumped to find out today. These next few weeks will definitely fly by, though - to new orleans for the bar exam next week, then to Dallas, then my older sister gets married on march 7!! Lots going on to distract me, thank goodness.

The really good news is that everything looked great. Heartbeat was 154 bpm, my blood pressure was great, only gained 1 pound so far and I should get the results from the quad screen in about a week!

How is everyone else feeling? Any appointments coming up?

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Is it really that big of a deal????

Jon and I have decided that we don't want to know the sex of the baby. Apparently this is a big deal to other people though because when we tell them they freak out. Everybody says there is no way you can be ready if you don't know and how will you buy stuff and everything will be yellow and blah blah blah! But you know it wasn't that long ago that the world didn't have 3-D and 4-D ultrasound and all of the technology that we have today and nobody knew... and everything was OKAY! I just wanted to vent for a minute because I am not going to find out and I am going to be just as excited and just as prepared as everyone else... so there... hahahahahahaha~!